Trusting in the Lord

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Trust ye in the Lord for ever: for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength.”

Over the last several months I have been so overwhelm with life  that it took most of my energy just to keep going, however,  God has really been dealing with me on some issues and one of those is truly trusting in Him.  I am realizing that sometimes we don’t give all our needs to God completely.  We hold on to one end and still try to come up with the answers instead of letting God have complete control.  By doing so we are holding God back from doing something amazing in our lives.  God wants us to freely give Him our problems and needs.  To completely let go and trust Him so that He can truly amaze us.  I want God to amaze me by His love and power however, I  must be willing to totally give my all over to God.  Let God be the driver of your life….let God be the one to deal with the issues of life that overwhelms us so.  If you can’t trust God with your life then who can you really trust because in truth we have no control over  our lives.

Builting your faith….

As the last several months has been an up and down road— in it all God has never let me down…He has always provided just what we needed when we really needed it. Sending an angel of love to bless our lives. I read a book on envisioning what you want or needed in your life helps build faith that it will actually come to be…it saids to post the need where you will see it regular and think this is coming my way soon—it doesn’t hurt to give it a try : 0 ) I do not understand why as humans we have to walk in the valley from time to time or why our hearts has to be crush in times of sorrow but I do know one thing my God is always at my side and is what gives me the strength to carry on…maybe these times are needed to keep us from losing sight of God and what is really important in life–Love ones….

A little assignment for you this month….

Each day share one thing you are thankful for with someone else….as most of you know I don’t get on here as much as I had hope lately so I am going to go a head and share for this whole week….even in this time of hardship I know I am bless beyond words….God is truly good…

 1) My loving and wonderful husband

 2) My kids that keep me on my toes but fill my heart with overflowing love

 3) For wonderful family and friends

 4) For all the angels that God has sent to bless our lives over the last several months

5) For my Church Family

6) For my Charity Family that makes it possible for me to do my charity work (keeping me in stock of yarn and supplies)

7) For God always meeting our needs

Praise the Lord! Oh, give thanks to the Lord….

(Psa 106:1 NKJV) Praise the LORD! Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.
As my birthday is coming up….it has me thinking where has the years gone? Here I am fixing to turn 37 and  been married 17 years…with 4 kids that are growing up as fast as little weeds….so where has the time gone? Each year comes and goes faster than the one before….how sometimes I wish I could slow time down but then other times I wish I could just fast forward over the really hard times. Then I realize if I fast forward over the hard times I would miss a lot of precious moments with those I love so much.  I am learning to give God thanks in even the hard times.   I am blest to have a wonderful husband and  4 beautiful kids. 

My God will supply all your needs….

“My God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” – Phil. 4:19

How I love when God answers and provides a need I have and how sometimes it is on its way long before I know about it.  How much time do we as humans waste worrying about things that God is already working on??  I wonder why we as humans feel the need to be able to fix and take care of matters ourselves.  If we would just  turn it over to God to start with then we would spend a lot less time of our lives worrying and have a lot more time to just enjoy the good things around us.  Even when I am down and discourage I know that God in the end is going to work things out and provide our needs.  Praying that God is meeting any needs you might have to time…..keep faith that He hasn’t forgotten you and He is already at work meeting this need.

Be strong and courageous….

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6 ——————————————————————————–

What does this verse mean to you?  It brings to my soul a peace that no matter what I have to come face to face with in life, that my God will give me the strength and courage I need.  God never promise us an easy life but He did promise to give us strength and courage to get pass whatever life throws at us.  The truth be told the closer you are to God the more life (Satan) is going to throw at you.  You see Satan doesn’t want the ones that are cold and far from God….he wants the ones that are on fire and close to God.  You see the ones that have a strong faith and walk in God can do more toward winning other’s over then the cold at heart.  So he will throw everything  he can at us to try to break our bond and commitment to God.  Over the years Satan has really thrown a lot of things at my family and some has really tested our faith and commitment to God but in it all we have held tight to God’s eternal promise that He would never let more be put on our shoulders then we could handle.  In it all God has been with us and carried us.  In those moments we have in the end come out stronger than we was and brought with the heartaches lessons to shared with other’s down life’s path.  When you find yourself in a dark valley of life…it can be hard to remember God’s eternal promise.  In these times we just have to grab a hold of God’s loving hand and let Him do the rest.  When your soul is tired and you have no strength left….turn to God and in Him He will renew your spirit and strength.  God will never forsake you as long as you hold tight to His loving Hand.  I pray if you are walking in a valley today that God will reach down and bless your soul….renewing your strength and giving you the courage you need to carry on.


What is impossible with men is possible with God….

Jesus replied, “What is impossible with men is possible with God.” Luke 18:27


I find so much peace in knowing that nothing is impossible for God.  I so often feel so weak and small in this world and so often things are so out of my hands– the knowledge that God is able to handle every little and big thing that comes my way gives me peace.  I don’t think I could handle the stress and press of life if I didn’t have this knowledge and peace that it brings to my soul.  No man or woman is strong enough or powerful enough to handle every thing this world throws at us….we need a stronger power than ourselves to truly be able to survive and enjoy life without always stressing over every little thing.  Thank you God for always being my source of strength…for always having every part of my life in control— even when it may at times feel like it is totally out of control.  In my heart I know you are always at work and always have a plan….it might take me sometime to actually be able to see that plan play out but I know in the end it will all work out to your glory and put me on the best path for my life.  Praying God is also your source of strength and support and that He is at work in your life at this very minute.

Memory / Bible Verse Jar

Get you a pretty jar, some pretty little pieces of paper, some ribbon and notecard.  On each piece of paper write a memory or bible verse until you have enough for each day of the following year.  Then tie the ribbon around the jar.  Punch a hole in the card and write on it Memory / Bible Verse (which ever it is) Jar and directions to take one each morning upon awaking.


These can be printed with pictures of the family from computer but you can get a regular Calendar from the Dollar Tree then put all the family members birthdays, Anniversaries and so on on the correct date.  Might even include how old the person is going to be.

Homemade Ketchup


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