Trusting in the Lord

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Trust ye in the Lord for ever: for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength.”

Over the last several months I have been so overwhelm with life  that it took most of my energy just to keep going, however,  God has really been dealing with me on some issues and one of those is truly trusting in Him.  I am realizing that sometimes we don’t give all our needs to God completely.  We hold on to one end and still try to come up with the answers instead of letting God have complete control.  By doing so we are holding God back from doing something amazing in our lives.  God wants us to freely give Him our problems and needs.  To completely let go and trust Him so that He can truly amaze us.  I want God to amaze me by His love and power however, I  must be willing to totally give my all over to God.  Let God be the driver of your life….let God be the one to deal with the issues of life that overwhelms us so.  If you can’t trust God with your life then who can you really trust because in truth we have no control over  our lives.